Likes to eat donuts? Always buy it? Why not try to make it yourself? really easy way, the cost is also cheap and delicious guarantee! This is no special recipe how to make soft donuts I've tried myself.


1 kilogram of wheat flour
1 packet yeast (11 grams)
7 tablespoons sugar
salt to taste
1 cup Milk Powder
6 tablespoons butter
2 eggs
sufficient water

How to cook:

1.Insert ¾ cup water and mix with 1 tablespoon sugar and 1 packet of yeast and stir until blended.

2. Stir in the flour, sugar, refined salt, butter, eggs and yeast water dough ters into place.

3. Stir the batter while pouring water little by little while kneading the dough to rise for about 30 minutes. Characteristics have enough dough expands when it is not sticky on your hands.

4. When finished, cover the dough with plastic and place in a warm place so that the dough is soft and fluffy donuts quickly and perfectly. Sign dough has expanded in size if perfect is has been doubled from its initial form.

5. Take the dough has expanded sufficiently and printed using the printer donuts.

6. Fried donuts with a hot oil approximately 3 or 5 minutes until the color turns into golden brown.

7. Drain donuts and let cool a bit first to donuts and soft. Do not lubricate the donuts with powdered sugar or chocolate while still hot, it later or brown sugar will melt and reduce the beauty of the donuts that have been made​​.

Congratulations padded making donuts .. good luck.

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